Takitimu Seafoods (GP) Limited
In April 2019 Ngāti Kahungunu purchased a 100% share in the business formerly known as Hawkes Bay Seafoods. This implemented a long held iwi aspiration of further investment in the fishing industry.
Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi is proud to be the 100% owner and operator of Takitimu Seafoods. Takitimu Seafoods has a factory and processing facility, seafood retail stores, and offers internet ordering and delivery. Ngāti Kahungunu wants its new business to provide connectivity to its people through culture and commerce.
Ngāti Kahungunu has had a long standing relationship with Hawkes Bay Seafoods and its owners, the D’Esposito family. In the past they employed our people, fished our quota and provided pataka fish for hundreds of whānau.
The new business will be driven by three core values of
Kounga - quality
Kitenga - transparency
Kaitiaki mo ake tonu - sustainability.
The new Directors of Takitimu Seafoods (GP) Limited are Rangi Manuel, Heather Te Au Skipworth and Hori Reti. Chrissie Hape is the interim Chief Executive Officer.
Takitimu Seafoods was officially launched on Monday 8th April. Ngāti Kahungunu were honoured with the cutting of the ribbon by His Majesty Kingi Tūheitia and the participation in the launch of many dignitaires.
HB Today Workers unite behind Takitimu Seafoods