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Kahungunu Asset Holding Company (KAHC) is the investment company owned wholly by Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated (NKII).

About KAHC

In ten years, KAHC has returned significant wealth to the Iwi. Our asset portfolio has increased in value and includes fishing quota, shares in Aotearoa Fisheries Limited, Pania Reef Fisheries (GP) Limited, Napier Mussels Limited and the Fiordland Lobster Company Limited.

Our mandate is to create more successful quota lease negotiations with new and existing partners, who are either Kahungunu fisherman or Kahungunu based.

We are deeply committed to creating prosperity for Ngāti Kahungunu and our vision is that through careful investments and strong business partnerships, we will continue to return wealth to our people and create pathways for our children.

Level 1

304 Fitzroy Avenue,

PO Box 2406,


Hawkes Bay


Phone:  06 8762718



Asset Holding

Company Ltd

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