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Acknowledging the need to diversify our asset portfolio from solely fisheries based, in 2013 KAHC purchased Tautāne Station at Cape Turnagain in Herbertville.
Tautāne Station
Tuatāne is widely recognised as one of the North Island’s most iconic stations and is one of the last original stations still operating in Hawke’s Bay.
The 3860 hectare farm is leased by Masterton based agricultural college Taratahi, an initiative set up by the Ministry of Primary Industries to foster the development of young farmers.
This purchase is a significant step in the journey to establish a new brand of beef and lamb in New Zealand, which will deliver high value to the market and return profits back to our farmers.
Our asset portfolio has increased in value and includes fishing quota, shares in Aotearoa Fisheries Limited, Pania Reef Fisheries (GP) Limited, Takitimu Seafoods (GP) Limited and the Fiordland Lobster Company Limited.
About KAHC
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