KAHC has a long term lease agreement for its inshore quota with Hawke’s Bay Seafoods, the largest fishing business located in the Kahungunu rohe.
KAHC’s sizeable quota holdings and security of lease has supported the growth of the business relationship with Hawke’s Bay Seafoods (HBS).
The company is also a valued social partner, making significant contributions to Kahungunu people. A majority of the HBS staff are Māori, most of who are of Kahungunu whakapapa. HBS supplies fish for tangi through the Ngāti Kahungnu Iwi pātaka system.
Based in Ahuriri, HBS has 15 fishing vessels in its fleet catching wetfish (most commonly tarakihi, gurnard and snapper), crayfish and pāua. The company also has a factory and processing facility, seafood retail stores, mobile retail vehicles and offers internet ordering and delivery.
About KAHC
Our asset portfolio has increased in value and includes including fishing quota, shares in Aotearoa Fisheries Limited, Pania Reef Fisheries (GP) Limited, Takitimu Seafoods, Napier Mussels Limited and the Fiordland Lobster Company Limited.